How to get success in civil service exams

The Nepali Civil Services is considered as the backbone of Nepal and carries great
respect and responsibilities. Nepal's toughest youngsters compete for entry into the
Nepali Civil Services. Even though corporate jobs may offer very attractive salaries
and perks, a majority of youngsters still crave entry into the prestigious Nepali Civil
Services held by the PSC of Nepal. The very fact that a big share of every year's top posts in
the civil services exams are bagged by professionals from various streams shows that
the section officer  is still the dream job for many.
The path to the coveted Civil Services is full of ups and downs and is a highly uneven
track to traverse. Before taking a decision about Civil Services as your career, it is
expedient to check up oneself and remain determined after wards.
The first step towards your success is to choose your goal honestly. I mean you
shouldn’t choose Civil Services as your goal simply because your father or mother
has a dream or there is a pressure from your social circle. It should come from your
heart. This exam is not like IIT-JEE or any other Engineering/Medical/University
Entrance Examination. It demands at least one and half-year full time preparation
with solid determination, which is possible only if the desire for Civil Services is
burning your heart incessantly.
Many of you may be having presumptions that you should have come from a reputed
Institute like IISc or any IIT to succeed in Civil Services. But the fact is that you need
not have come from a reputed Institute. You need not to have a splendid academic
background. You need not to have great scores in SSC or Intermediate. You need not
have come from a rich family. You only need to have a dream to become an government of Nepal  officer
and the rest will follow. Because, it is the human nature to work hard. It is the
human nature to gain knowledge and succeed. I say it is your human right to
succeed. Anyone can succeed.
Work hard as there is no short cut to success and hard work never goes unrewarded.
Never. Every drop of sweat of your brow through hard work adds to the splendour of
your bright career. I would like to quote Napoleon Bonaparte: “Victory belongs to the
most persevering.”
Your motivation to prepare for Civil Services should be to help the hunger and
ignorant people and to drive out the poverty from Nepal. If you have this desire in
mind, then the Almighty will also help you to succeed in Civil Services.

What is a exam ? 

Before starting the preparation, it is very important to have a complete understanding about the exam process, its structure and the various aspects related to the preparation. PSC nepal generally issues notification in the first week of Sharwan (of the year 
preceding the exam year) in Gorkhaptra or its own website. The complete notification should be studied carefully to understand the structure of the exam and related information.
This notification can also be obtained from the PSC website. Go to,

Before anyone starts playing a game, he would like to know the rules of the game and that is sportsmanship. Similarly in any competitive exam, understanding the nature of the exam is very critical. The preparation will be more focused when you know
exactly what the Examination expects rather demands from you. Remember at every stage of your preparation that this examination is relative. You only need to be better
than the other aspirants to get a final place in the merit list.
The nature of the exam can be analysed through the following ways:
• A thorough perusal of Notification and carefully understanding the
requirements from it.
• A thorough analysis of the previous year’s papers and the recent trends.
• Discussing elaborately with teachers, successful candidates and seniors.
There is lot of hype around the psc exam. A fresh aspirant comes with the idea that he has to do some hi-funda preparation and be like a scholar in the subjects. He starts his preparation on a high note and works hard in the beginning. For each topic
he tries to do maximum and best preparation. In the process, he reads all the textbooks and the coaching material available in the market. Some spend 2-3 days on each topic and prepare 10-15 pages of notes. Gradually, he feels exhausted and
the momentum slows down. Due to this approach, he is not able to complete the syllabus. So, he goes for a selective study as the exam nears. Now the pressure becomes unbearable, as on one hand he has not completed the syllabus and on the other hand he prepared so much notes for each topic that revision becomes
impossible within a short time. People have a funny idea that Civil Services can be cleared only in multiple attempts. So, the aspirant starts succumbing to pressure and convinces himself that it is only his first attempt and, therefore he can prepare better next time.
Though the exam demands hardwork from the aspirant, it should be “intelligent
hardwork” and not just hardwork.


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